
How many times has it happened to you that when you really want to take a short trip somewhere, it just does not happen? But sometimes two trips in the same month take place. What a long break, right? The first trip was to Ahmedabad for a professional meeting, where I spent an extra day exploring the city. From exploring the nightlife of the city, having the best tandoori momos, lunch at Chinese restaurant, and having Starbucks for the very first time, it was day out with my best friend. The second trip was to Mumbai. I was excited for this trip because I was visiting Mumbai after 2 years. It was a 10-day trip that included attending a wedding, shopping, having the best food, and spending time with my family, especially my mom. This time, Mumbai felt different. Every shopping place I visited took me back to the old times when I used to buy so much stuff just to secure the year until I visited again. The roadside seekh paratha and the cake from Warden bakery are to die for. The pam...