I recently took part in a workshop which took place in my college itself.
The workshop was about Creating a visual experience. So on the first day we made a list of appealing and disturbing visuals and then later on selecting any 5 keywords from our list and
then creating a story for kids. First step was to create a plot and then elaborating the story and creating frames. Frames divide the whole story into parts or sequence we can say.
after discussing the plot and the storyline with the faculty I started making it digitally. I kept it minimal and tried putting bright colors so that it looks attractive. I made animated
face features and used funky dialog box. I then decided to show the whole scenario happening in a book which is kept on a bag at the airport. Our faculty also explained us the reason why
should someone buy your design. Another element which we focused on in this workshop was something complimentary items along with the product. It is not compulsory to put in each and
every product, but with some products it can be put or in certain intervals it can be introduced. For eg: Free mug with a pack of coffee or free sipper with a pack of Rasna, and such other things.
So the story which we were creating for children also had to have some Moral in it. The Moral of my story was not to judge anyone and your words should not hurt anybody. My character were
Big Text and Small text. The story revolves around how the small text judges the other things in a book like the pages, doodles, colored text. And then big text makes the small text realize
that is a wrong thing to do.
As I stated above about the complimentary item along with the product, I included different games which makes learning more fun.
so overall this workshop was interesting as for the first time I created something for kids. And the things I learnt to make a visual attractive, clear and creative at the same time.
proper lay outing and arranging the objects at their proper place is also important.
looking forward to attend more such interesting workshops.
Here is a glimpse of what I created(one of the flashcard)
(Nothing is taken from internet the whole page is created by myself
Software used: Adobe Illustrator)


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