"Winners don't do different things, they do things differently."

YOU CAN WIN by Shiv Khera is a motivational, self help book, a book that has different steps and lessons to reach success 

This book is an action plan along with deep understanding of different terms and principles to prepare you for Success. There are a lot of topics covered in this book which you know about but you have not implemented it in your life. The author explains these topics with examples of stories and how to apply the principle in your life.

I like the part of the book where after every chapter there is an exercise given which you can do it. It is an action plan wherein you analyze and take a deeper look at your current actions and can apply what you just read in the chapter, in your life.  


I think there could be more exercises because the reader is taking in a lot of knowledge at once and it would be confusing when you cannot implement it the right way.

I took time to read this book because the information is about life and reality and it is too much to take at once. 

This book can be read again or referred to whenever you feel, when you cannot figure out something. 

I would rate this book a 7/10. 

My takeaways from the book.

  1. Always have a positive attitude 
  2. Develop an attitude of Gratitude
  3. Be away from Negative surroundings and influences
  4. Keep learning
  5. Build Self Esteem because it will make you more confident and courageous

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