Book Review - A Thousand Splendid Suns

The last book I read before my break was A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and What a book is this? 

It kept both me and my mom so engrossed in it. Every page I read was so heart touching. PS: You might get teary eyed in some pages.

This book's plot takes place in Kabul. Along with the other supporting characters, Mariam and Laila, two ladies, are the major characters. The author presents every detail of their life in a very natural way, going back to their early years, difficulties, how they met, and happy moments. 

Not only are the details of these women's lives described with excellent detail, but we also get to see the surrounding area, the streets of Kabul, the restaurants, and how the city had become a war zone.

This book portrays multiple expressions of love, including the love between a father and daughter, a girl and a boy, the love between two strangers who eventually developed a priceless bond, and the love between a mother and her daughter. In short, it will take you on roller coaster of emotions and feelings.

I loved how this book has its story with women leading, who suffered, struggled, lost, won but never gave up, lived their lives for their family, to give their offsprings a better future. 

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, as every page made a place in my mind and kept me on my toes as to what will happen next? Will the characters survive?, Will their love survive? 

If you also wish to travel to Kabul and witness their lives through this story, do give this book a read, I'm sure it won't let you down. 

Happy Reading!


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