Small Changes, Big Results: Mastering Atomic Habits

Do you have any habits? 

Do you build new habits but keep forgetting them?

Do you want to know how to build effective habits and follow them?

Well, I struggle too with my habits. Be it breaking bad ones, building new ones, or following it consistently.

I got my hands on this popular book; you know which one I am talking about. Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book is all about habits. But don't worry, it won't bore you.

A self-help book that briefly talks about habits forming, breaking bad habits, following new habits, and being motivated to follow them every day with examples. This book explains how to bring about a change in yourself and how to do it without fail. A book in a simple language can be read by anyone. It contains a lot of examples of athletes, top performers, business leaders, and comedians with practical, tried-and-tested. It explains how to create a habit, step by step, and how to break a bad one. 

"The holy grail of habit change is not a single 1 percent improvement, but a thousand of them." To bring about change, you have to improve in 1000 things to achieve what you want and to become what you want. It is not an overnight thing. 

Some insights from this book:

  • Becoming 1 percent better every day may not be noticeable every day, but it can be meaningful in the long run. 
  • If you want better results, then forget about setting goals; focus on your overall system.
  • Your identity emerges out of your habits. Every action is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.
  • The most effective form of learning is practice, not planning.
  • The ultimate way to lock in your future behavior is to automate your habits. 
  • Pick the right habit, and the progress is easy; pick the wrong habit, and life becomes a struggle.


After completing this book, I decided to try the Habit Tracker starting this month. It is just like Snap Chat Streak. You do not want to break that because the streak and the score will break. So, whenever I do my Snap Streak, I automatically remember my Habit Tracker. So in this way, I have related Habit tracker with Snap Streak in my mind and it helps me fill my habit tracker and also complete my habit. 

Similarly, don't let your habit streak break, and you will form a new habit. The progress you will make, which you will be able to see in your tracker, will give you a lot of satisfaction. I am yet to receive my satisfaction as I have to wait till the month end. 😂

I am really inspired by this book, and it's a must read if you want to learn about habits. 

Do let me know in the comments if you have already read this book and tried any of the methods for habits.

Happy Reading🙋



  1. It's always inspiring to see how others apply self-improvement concepts in their daily lives. Thanks for sharing your experience and insights. I'm looking forward to diving into the book myself and seeing what habits I can build or improve.


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