Writing is a way of communicating in different languages.
How many of you reading this blog have a habit of writing?  Writing does not just involve taking the notes or copy pasting something. It also involves sharing your thoughts or feeling like in Diary Writing. Letter Writing, Creative Writing, Report Writing, etc. are the other types of Writings.
Writing helps to increase your writing skills, makes you feel good, helps you communicate better. 

Writing has become so close to my heart that I have started sharing my thoughts, ideas, feeling, moods and all the things to my book so much. This does not mean I don't talk to anyone around me or my family, but I feel really good when it comes to sharing via writing in my book. This book I keep it to myself as a personal thing between myself and the book, like talking and sharing secrets with your favourite soft toy in older days. I feel that the book is never going to judge me, whatever may I hare with it. It's like someone is always there to hear me out when things go wrong or the deepest darkest secrets which I want to keep it to myself or which I cannot tell anyone not even my best friends. I can remove all my frustration, sadness, my mood swings into it.
For me, writing has become an important part of me for everytime I feel low or I am happy and want to share something, I just take my book and start writing. I even feel that for the best memories for which photographs are not enough, one should really write about it.  
How strange it is that though we are surrounded by so many people, not everytime we feel happy about sharing our thoughts to our close ones because their point of view might be different on that.
I used to write diaries when I was in school but that too only when I had something new in my day or something sad or unexpected happened. This continued till my 12th grade. And by the time gradually my interest in writing grew and I decided to write more often. Nowadays I just start writing about whatever I feel and I have also written narratively about some phases in my life which I never expected to happen. 
So I am very conscious about my personal diaries and so I use to keep the typical diary which had a lock on it so that no one could open it and read it. though I have stopped using those diaries as I have started to decorate it in any way I want. I doodle on it or I decorate it with stickers. I believe if its my diary it has to be unique and the way I want it to be!
So I believe one should have a hobby of writing because it really help you to boost your mood specially for introverts who are not so good at opening up to people so easily. 

email: capturetheimagination310@gmail.com


  1. Lovely....after reading this I came across a new aafrin☺️☺️😚😘


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