How flexible are we when it comes to adapting CHANGE?

It is always difficult to adapt to change or accept it. Well some people say that it is easy for them to adapt Change, but I believe it is somewhat tough for them too.

If you are finding it too hard to accept the changes and new things in life or adapting to change too difficult then I have a book suggestion for you.

Who moved my Cheese? by Dr Spencer Johnson 

The book explains to you about change using 4 imaginary characters and you might be able to find yourself in any one of those. The author has nicely described all the scenarios of lives where we have to deal with change and what are our thoughts and actions to those changes. When one reads the book, he/she will be able to compare his/her life scenarios and problems to what the author is describing in the book and for sure you will get a solution for all your problems. 

In this book you will understand how to anticipate change, adapt to change quickly, enjoy the changes taking place in your life and be ready to accept and change quickly, again and again. 

I really like the way the small quotes are added in between the stories and the talks of the fictional characters. 

If you are confused about what to do next when you are in a completely different environment/situation which has changed from what it was before, the story of this book will help you decide what next step you can take. 

This book will show you an amazing way to deal with change in your
work and life. And for me it is 4/5. 

Personally it has really helped me think better for my life ahead. 

I hope you enjoy reading this book!

Do let me know any book suggestions!

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