This book is divided into two parts. 

It has two stories, and both stories are about men searching for their biological mother.

Venkatesh, a married man living in Bangalore, starts his journey of searching for his mother when he learns about his lookalike. He did not stop there and continued in search of his mother.

Mukesh, a married man living with his wife in London, flies down for his father's last rites in Amritsar, where he learns the harsh truth about his adoption. He then searches for his biological mother and uncovers a lot of other secrets on the way.

Both of these stories are dramatic, have a lot of suspense, and keep you glued.

There is also a supporting role for the main character. Venkatesh has his daughter, with whom he shares everything, and Mukesh has his wife, who supports and understands him during his tough times.

The Mother I Never Knew by Sudha Murthy is a smooth, easy read. It is a beginner-friendly book, and you will enjoy it as it takes you along on the journey of searching for their mother.

I give this book a 3.5/5.

Happy Reading!!

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